DigiBall was developed to determine particle sizes by analysing photographs
of the particles. Particles are thought to be spherical.
The following steps are involved in the analysis of a photograph:
- Using a digitising tablet to indicate coordinates on the photograph or
- using a scanner to scan the photograph, then using the mouse to indicate coordinates.
- Define a scale to convert from picture units to actual size.
- Define particles by indicating two diametrically opposed coordinates or
- define particles by indicating three points on the edge of a particle. The three points
should be as evenly distributed along the edge of the particle as possible, but if a
particle is partially obscured, it is possible to indicate points that are much closer
If a scanned photograph is used, DigiBall will draw the particles that have been defined on
top of the image. This provides graphical feedback about the quality of the digitisation.
DigiBall can export its results live to an Excel worksheet. It is also possible to copy
results to the clipboard, save them to disk, or print them.